Gear for the New Year

It’s high time for a post about what has been happening in the BWO world. Is it any surprise that we’ve been busy cooking?!


First off, Happy New Year! I hope everyone spent the holiday season surrounded by friends, family and of course delicious food. We enjoyed a couple of holiday cookouts around the Arteflame, which manages to heat up the party no matter how cold it is outside! I sincerely enjoy seeing people experience this unique wood-fire grill for the first time and its versatility continues to impress even those who are familiar with the product.

We also treated family to chicken shawarma at Christmas using one of my new favorite cooking accessories - the Trompo King. This ultimate BBQ utensil is super versatile and allows you to stack meat like a boss. FOGO Charcoal brought the heat to the meat and continues to perform like no other lump charcoal I’ve seen on the market. Next up on the menu is Tacos al pastor! Follow Trompo King on Instagram for some serious meat stack inspiration!

Now it’s time to start getting after things in the New Year and Camp Chef has resolved to supply you with all of the equipment you need to #FeedYourOutside. With the most versatile smokers and pellet grills on the market, there are no excuses this year to not take your outdoors cooking to the next level. With Smart Smoke Technology, Slide & Grill Technology and their newly launched Sidekick accessory, you’re only as limited as your imagination.

There are two types of outdoor chefs - those that are focused on precisely monitoring temperature ranges and those that love stepping away from the grill until their food is ready. Regardless of what kind of cook you may be, we can all agree that it’s all about the taste. It is upon this united idea that Camp Chef developed their Smart Smoke Technology, so everyone can be happy no matter their cooking method.

You may have heard me speak about Camp Chef’s Slide and Grill Technology before and let me remind you why this feature is a game-changer. The typical anatomy of a traditional wood pellet grill and/or smoker starts with a fire pot at the base. Above that lies the deflector plate, the drip tray, and finally the grill grates where your food sits. However, Slide and Grill equipped Camp Chef pellet grills have a mobile deflector plate that allows you to customize your grilling experience. The knob is located on the left side of the pellet grill.  Simply pull the knob to unleash direct flame grilling. Slide the knob back in place to switch back to a traditional low and slow smoking method. Infusing your food with smoke provides a delicious and unique flavor that’s all its own. But, having the versatility and ability to utilize an open flame broil is unlike anything on the market. Diversify dinner by slow smoking a rack of ribs—or turn the temperature up, slide the deflector plate over, and flame cook burgers for the entire family. Contact me to learn more about which Camp Chef pellet grills come equipped with the Slide and Grill feature.


Finally, let the Sidekick be your pellet grill’s powerful partner in cooking crime in 2019. This propane powered single burner accessory easily attaches to most Camp Chef pellet grills and is designed to give you VersaGrillity™ as one of Camp Chef's 14-inch cooking systems, meaning you can add a griddle, grill, artisan oven, stock pot and more. The Sidekick has 30,000 BTU and is perfect for searing. This new product was also featured on Popular Science’s 100 Greatest Innovations of 2018

Give me a shout to ensure you have what you need to be at the top of your cooking game in 2019. And cheers to a great year of outdoor cooking adventures ahead!